UVC Dosimeters change color
when exposed to UV-C energy

so you can independently validate your devices and procedures to SEE if an optimal dose of UVGI has been delivered to a surface. Having a visual indication of dose is critical for the success of your UV-C disinfection protocols.

UVCards are recommended for use during every disinfection cycle to provide visible confirmation and confidence for staff, patients, visitors and guests.

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UVCards Use Cases by Industry
  • Hotels shouldn't mess with the health of their guests and staff. That’s why many are introducing enhanced manual cleaning efforts plus UVC to quickly disinfect VIP rooms like Suites and Presidential Suites and more. Keeping score of this process is easy with UVCards that show when the right dose of germicidal UVC energy has been delivered.
  • Modern transportation moves us around the world, but it can also be an easy way for bacteria and viruses to spread. UVC disinfection is being deployed to make travel safer, by disinfecting security bins, handrails, public seating areas and more. Make sure you’re validating your use of UVC with color-changing UVCards so staff can truly see that this invisible technology of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation is working.
  • Students, teachers, parents and administrators are all looking for ways to make schools and universities a safe environments for learning. UVCards provide a visual report card so everyone can see that an optimal dose of UVGI has been delivered. Restore confidence and create healthier environments with UV-C disinfecton and color-changing UV-C Dosimeters from UVCards.
  • Keeping healthcare facilities clean and safe has never been more critical. If your EVS or Sterile Processing teams are using UV-C for disinfection and decontamination, talk to us about how we can help them visualize and validate their processes and devices with color-changing UVC dose indicators.
  • COVID-19 has changed the way we work, but there are effective ways that we can get back to business in safe environments. If you’re considering UV-C disinfection for your office or commercial space, talk to us about our easy-to-use UVC dose indicators can help you deploy the technology in a safe and verifiable way.
  • Dental practices can benefit greatly from the use of UVC disinfection in your offices. There are products designed for HVAC and upper air, surface disinfection with handheld units or mobile towers, and UVC cabinets to irradiate instruments and surgical masks. Whatever type of device you’re using, validate its use with UVC Dosimeters so you can see your success.



One of our differentiators from any competitor is that UVCards are trusted and used in more research studies than any other brand. We are the most innovative company in the industry, which is why we have been able to leverage our position as a trusted and reliable partner for more than twenty years.

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